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Vision Australia is committed to improving our environmental performance and to demonstrate good environmental practice across all our operations.

We are working towards a number of goals to reduce water and energy usage, improve waste management and promote awareness of environmental issues throughout the organisation.

Our sustainability goals are as follows:
  • Comply with requirements of government legislation and regulations as applies to environmental sustainability;
  • Reduce consumption of energy, water and consumables across all sites; 
  • Reduce waste to landfill and improve our recycling system; 
  • Record energy usage and provide an annual estimate of carbon emissions; 
  • Incorporate sustainability measures into relevant business decisions; 
  • Promote Vision Australia's environmental sustainability goals to staff, customers, clients and key stakeholders. 
Efforts to enhance Vision Australia's sustainability record have been initiated across the organisation. Some of our green achievements to date include:
  • Consistently reducing waste and increasing recycling rates at Vision Australia’s Carols by Candlelight® presented by Myer – the organisations’ largest annual public event.
  • A decrease in electricity usage of 9.3% in FY12 over previous year.
  • Incorporating sustainable initiatives into the design and/or refurbishment of our sites; 
  • Reducing our vehicle fleet and phasing out 6 cylinder in favour of 4 cylinder vehicles; 
  • Recycling of paper, cardboard and printer cartridges; 
  • Setting double sided printing as the default on all printers; 
  • Recycling CDs for Vision Australia's burn on demand talking book system; 
  • Maintaining a measures system to record energy and water usage to establish baseline data and carbon emissions produced from water, gas, electricity, fleet and travel; 
  • Facilitating a cross functional committee to execute our environmental sustainability plan and promote awareness within our workplace and community. 
  • Promoting use of tele and video conferencing as a preference to travel.
For further information regarding environmental sustainability at Vision Australia, email sustainability sustainabilityproject@visionaustralia.org.